Wednesday, June 3, 2009

center package

The following link will lead you to the Daily Camera homepage. Right now, and until the page is updated for something more weighty and significant, the page is home to my weather story. The story is about leaky roofs due to spring showers, and was also featured on the front page of the printed edition as well.

Today is day 11. Third week on the job.

I have established a little space of my own here. I like my desk and the way it is oriented in the newsroom, I feel comfortable here.

Similarly, I think the news staff is getting more comfortable with me. I am getting more responsibility with stories, I am producing better quality work for the publication. I am understanding what my editors expect from me, and am trying to fulfill their expectations as best as I can.

The Daily Camera is different than the Fort Collins Coloradoan. Here, there is more value placed on investigative reporting, getting deep and propelling angles for newsworthy topics. There are only four articles on the front page, and thus there is less of a necessity for quantity as much as quality, and I feel the staff truly embody that message. Do good work.

Today I am working on a local business story about two guys who have started a new sport called motomarathon. They have also established the organization that will sponsor the event from now on. A little money-making scheme to support a sport that they are passionate about....that is the way to make money.

I am also working on a story about Movement Climbing & Fitness, a local gym that is being built in Boulder. It is the first net-zero commercial building in Colorado, the only internationally approved indoor climbing wall in Boulder, and has full cardio, weights and yoga.

Stay tuned for updates.

Ta ta for now.

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