Tuesday, January 13, 2009

As a beginner

As a beginner in personal blogging, a beginner at a daily newsroom, and a beginner at helping to establishing a new, reputable face for media, I will use this blog to document my adventures, obstacles, successes and other info.

I am excited to launch this blog. I encourage comments, feedback an questions because I believe establishing a good center for communication is key to the world of blogging. I will hold up my end of being a reader and contributer to this site, if you do too.

My name is Jean Spencer, nice to meet you.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I too am a novice blogger. My site is http://conversationwine.blogspot.com/ I would love to share your insight on how wine drinkers age 21 to 35 view wines. It is my theory that this wonderful, capable, hero generation of people, use wine as a way to bring people together, to share ideas.
